Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross


Simple, no frills, no fuss normal saline for fluid replacement.

Compatible with all addons!

Make your own cocktail or get simply rehydrated.

$75 | 30 Minutes

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross


Designed to help kickstart your metabolism and feel more energized, this IV kit of premium-quality compounds believed to help burn fat, boost metabolism and provide the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.

Vita-Complex | Amino Blend

$125 | 30 Minutes

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross

Recovery and Performance

Perfect for athletes.

Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, promote improved performance and overall wellness.

Ascorbic Acid | Vita-Complex | Amino Blend | Mineral Blend

$175 | 30 Minues

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross

Myers Cocktail

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma and more.

Magnesium Chloride | B Complex Vitamins | Hydro B12 | Calcium Gluconate | Ascorbic Acid

$175 | 30 Minutes

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross


Help your immune system, prevent illnesses and make you feel better faster after getting sick.

Ascorbic Acid | Vita-Complex | Zinc

$150 | 30 Minutes

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross


Fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.

Ascorbic Acid | B Complex Vitamins | Biotin

$150 | 30 Minutes

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Infusion Adam Ross Infusion Adam Ross


Pre-Post hangover recovery

Replenish your body and combat hangover-related symptoms like dehydration, headache, and nausea.

Ondansetron | B Complex | Minerals

$175 | 30 Minutes

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