Recovery and Performance
Perfect for athletes.
Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, promote improved performance and overall wellness.
Ascorbic Acid | Vita-Complex | Amino Blend | Mineral Blend
$175 | 30 Minues
Myers Cocktail
Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma and more.
Magnesium Chloride | B Complex Vitamins | Hydro B12 | Calcium Gluconate | Ascorbic Acid
$175 | 30 Minutes
Fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.
Ascorbic Acid | B Complex Vitamins | Biotin
$150 | 30 Minutes