Consent Form
A completed and signed Consent Form is required for any patient prior to beginning an IV Infusion. This document is intended to serve as confirmation of informed consent for IV therapy as ordered by the Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner at R & R IV Drip Bar. Please use the printable version to sign and bring with you on the day of your appointment.
I have informed the Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner of any known allergies to drugs or other substances, or of any past reactions to anesthetics. I have informed the practitioner of all current medications and supplements.
I understand that I have the right to be informed of the procedure, any feasible alternative options, and the risks and benefits. Except in emergencies, procedures are not performed until I have had an opportunity to receive such information and to give my informed consent.
I understand that:
The procedure involves inserting a needle into a vein and injecting the prescribed solution.
Alternatives to intravenous therapy are oral supplementation and/or dietary and lifestyle changes.
Risks of intravenous therapy include but are not limited to:
Occasionally to commonly:
Discomfort, bruising and pain at the site of injection
Inflammation of the vein used for injection, phlebitis, metabolic disturbances, and injury.
Extremely Rarely:
Severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, infection, cardiac arrest and death.
Benefits of intravenous therapy include:
Injectables are not affected by stomach, or intestinal absorption problems.
Total amount of infusion is available to the tissues.
Nutrients are forced into cells by means of a high concentration gradient.
Higher doses of nutrients can be given than possible by mouth without intestinal irritation.
I am aware that other unforeseeable complications could occur. I do not expect the advanced practice practitioners to anticipate and or explain all risks and possible complications. I rely on the practitioner to exercise judgment during the course of treatment with regards to my procedure. I understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and have had the opportunity to have all of my questions answered.
I understand that I have the right to consent to or refuse any proposed treatment at any time prior to its performance. My signature on this form affirms that I have given my consent to IV therapy with any different or further procedures which, in the opinion of my physician, practitioner or other associated with this practice, may be indicated.
“Chelation Therapy” is often a confusing term used in conjunction with IV Nutrient Therapy. If you are receiving IV therapy for detoxification, and – or the treatment of heavy metals in your body your therapy may include a chelating substance, such as EDTA or DMPS along with specific nutrients. Any use of chelation outside those boundaries is outside of the scope of Connecticut law, and will not be offered in this clinic.
I understand that all nutrient infusions given at R & R IV Drip Bar are considered investigational/experimental. These infusions are not considered standard of care and are not billable to insurance.
My signature will confirm that:
I understand the information provided on this form and agree to the foregoing.
The procedure(s) set forth above has been adequately explained to me by my practitioner.
I have received all the information and explanation I desire concerning the procedure.
I authorize and consent to the performance of the procedure(s).
I understand that intravenous therapies provided are experimental and may not be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of my medical condition.